1.5% List

About Us

1.5% LIST

Who We Are

We are Krupa Realty, a brokerage that has proudly assisted sellers in the Kansas City and Kansas City Metro area for five years. Our dedicated team of real estate professionals brings a wealth of experience and expertise to ensure a seamless and successful selling process. At 1.5% List, we prioritize our clients' needs, providing personalized service and utilizing innovative strategies to achieve optimal results in the dynamic real estate market. Whether you're a first-time seller or seasoned homeowner, trust Krupa Realty for a trusted partner in your property journey.

Our Vision

“To revolutionize the real estate industry by providing exceptional service and value, empowering sellers to maximize their returns while simplifying the selling process.”

Our Mission

“At 1.5% List, our mission is to redefine the real estate experience by offering sellers a transparent, efficient, and cost-effective solution. By charging only 1.5% commission, we aim to enable more individuals to achieve their property goals while upholding the highest standards of integrity and professionalism.”

Rachel Morrow

I am Rachel Morrow, Kansas City Realtor and real estate investor, specializing in helping home buyers and sellers reach their real estate goals, whether it be house-hacking, relocating, or investing.
My love for real estate began when I purchased my primary residence, a quadruplex in Lee's Summit. Making the right real estate move changed my life, and I was inspired to start my career in helping clients build generational wealth through real estate investing and getting the most for what their home is worth when they choose to sell.
Real estate brokerage is about bringing the right people together at the right time for the right reasons. I am so blessed to say that I wake up every day, not to a job, but to a mission of serving people, building relationships, and meeting my clients exactly where they are to get them the best outcome for their goals!